Corporate Governance & Board Leadership
Business Beacon will equip your company with the Tools and Strategies for adopting better governance practices and impart you with the insights and skills to take informed decisions at the Board and Senior Management levels
Consultancy, Research, Training and Advisory Services are offered in the following areas
a. Adoption of Best Practices in Corporate Governance by public and private limited companies, family owned companies and SMEs.
- Compliance with latest regulations, as per the Companies Act 2013 and its amendments, SEBI Regulations, LODR, Listing Agreement of Stock Exchanges with listed companies, Regulations of International Stock Exchanges for Companies operating abroad, Guidelines announced by ICSI and ICAI and all relevant regulations
- Strengthening Board Leadership – Building High Performance Boards
- Making the Company Boards more efficient and effective.
- Overcoming the Challenges facing the Boards
- Strengthening the Role of Executive and Independent Directors, particularly Institutional Directors and Women Directors
- Board Diversity
- Board Evaluation
- Effective Communication with Investors and all Stakeholders
- Implementing a Governance Strategy that is Ethical, Responsible and Socially Sustainable
- Value Creation with Better Corporate Governance
- Corporate Social Responsibility

b. Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Controls
- Designing and Implementing an effective Enterprise Risk Management Framework for your company,
- Identification and Prioritization of Risks
- Determination of Risk Appetite and Key Risk Indicators
- Impact Assessment of different types of Risks
- Risk Mitigation Measures
c. Research Studies on important issues relating to Corporate Governance and Risk Management
d. Correlation between Corporate Governance and Financial Performance
e. Evaluation of Corporate Governance practices and Ethical Business practices including CSR
Research Studies on Corporate Governance Carried Out At S P Jain Inst. Of Management & Research
On the widely discussed subject of Corporate Governance, Business Beacon has developed considerable expertise for research and training. Today governance of companies and adoption of ethical standards especially in public limited companies is assuming greater importance than financial performance. FDI and FII flows and shareholder confidence are increasingly being determined by the Effectiveness of Board of Directors, Contribution of Independent Directors, Risk Management and Internal Controls, Transparency and Disclosures to the shareholders and Creation of value for the shareholders and all other stakeholders namely employees, customers, investors, suppliers and society at large.
Business Beacon in association with S P Jain Inst. of Management & Research and National Foundation for Corporate Governance (NFCG), has played a key role in studying the prevailing Corporate Governance norms and regulations, Risk Management & Internal Controls in India as laid down in the new Companies Act, 2013 and in SEBI Clause 49 of the listing agreement of companies with their Stock Exchanges. The constraints faced by family managed companies and other smaller sized listed companies in complying with these norms have been the subject matter of considerable debate. Through our research work we have examined the prevailing Corporate Governance & Risk Management practices of medium sized family managed listed companies, their board structures and compliance with SEBI Clause 49 and made suitable recommendations for improving Corporate Governance practices and the regulatory framework in India.
Business Beacon has carried out three major Research Studies on Corporate Governance & Risk Management for National Foundation for Corporate Governance in association with S P Jain Inst. of Management & Research
a. ‘Showcasing Best Practices in Corporate Governance by Medium Sized, Family Managed, Listed Companies– Three Case Studies’ – 2008
The Study involved personal interviews with Chairmen, Executive Directors, Independent Directors and Company Secretaries of leading Family Managed Companies. The Study ranked the companies in terms of their excellence in corporate governance practices and prepared Case Studies of three top ranking companies
Click to know More: Case Studies Final executive summary
b. ‘A Study of Corporate Governance Practices and Financial Performance of Selected Medium Sized Family Managed Listed Companies’ – 2012
The Study was based on an analysis of the corporate governance practices of selected family managed companies and their impact on the financial performance of these companies. A positive relationship was observed between certain corporate governance practices like Disclosures of remuneration of Directors, CSR activities, HR development and promotion and other such practices and the market cap of these companies.
Click to know More: Full Report
c. ‘A Study of Risk Governance and Internal Controls in Medium Sized Family Managed Listed Companies – 2013
The objective of the Study was to assess the existing risk management framework in family managed listed companies and compare it with the practices adopted by professionally managed companies in the top BSE 100 companies. The Study recommended measures for improving the existing risk management practices and suggest a suitable risk management and internal control system for the family managed companies.
Click to know More: Full Report with Executive Summary
Three Round Tables on Corporate Governance
Business Beacon in association with S P Jain Inst. of Management & Research organized three Round Tables to disseminate the findings of the above Research Studies. The participants at these Round Tables were Family Managed Companies, Regulators, CEOs, Directors, Company Secretaries and Senior Management Personnel of listed companies. Other attendees included Corporate Governance experts, faculty members of leading management institutes, NFCG Core Group members and Regulatory bodies.
4th. Asia Business Responsibility Summit and Asian Centre’s Awards for Corporate Governance, Sustainability and CSR
Business Beacon was associated with the International Summit which had its theme, ‘Inclusive Capitalism’. It was addressed by International experts who spoke on Emerging Trends in Business Responsibility, the Art of Corporate Value Creation, Short Term vs. Long Term Goals of Business, Global Trends in Inclusive Capitalism and Rebuilding Trust in Business. Awards were presented to directors in eleven categories for Leadership, Ethical Governance, CSR Activities and Sustainability, Public Governance, Best Governed Company, Transformational leadership and Lifetime Achievement.