Economic Research and Industry Reviews
- Economic Research Studies on major economic issues and govt. policies impacting on industry and services in India
- Sectoral Studies for specific industries and services – these provide an analysis of present status, growth prospects, competition dynamics, global market and other performance parameters. These are structured to serve as essential tools for assessing investments in these sectors and prospects for new entrants and capacity expansion
- Market Research and Competition Analysis
- Market Feedback and Customer Satisfaction Studies
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities to up-grade the quality of life of employees, workers and other stakeholders in the company
- Policy Research Studies to provide Inputs for Policy Formulation
- Impact Assessment of Government Policies on Industry and Trade with special focus on SMEs
Our advisory and consultancy services are not restricted to SMEs. We believe it is important to study the entire environment in which the SMEs have to operate. Hence we continuously update ourselves on the current economic scenario, govt. regulations and their impact on key economic sectors, external forces affecting the industrial scenario in India like credit policy, the annual budget, trade agreements and foreign direct investment and a host of other economic factors. With this knowledge base, we provide you with the vital economic inputs, critically analyzed to support your investment and trade related decisions in any segment.
Industry Information
To large enterprises and investors, Business Beacon provides essential industry related and market related analytics for key Investment decisions for growth, modernization and expansion. We offer well researched and succinct Industry Reports–Status and Prospects to enable you to take informed decisions in the pre-project stage. For venturing into new areas, new markets and green field projects, pre-project information and data on industry status and growth prospects with competition analysis, provide the right guidance for green field projects. Some of the industries wherein considerable expertise has been built up are Auto components, Garments, Processed foods, Gems and Jewelry, Leather and Leather products, Pharmaceuticals, Dyestuffs, etc.
Market Information
With our deep insight into Large Scale & SME focused industries, we specialize in providing product-specific market information, potential growth in the market and recommend suitable marketing strategies aimed at ensuring sustainability and scalability for your enterprise. Regular Market Feedbacks are provided at frequent intervals to keep you up-dated on the emerging trends in your product’s market and assess the competition that is likely to affect your enterprise.